National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP)

Cap. Building Training

  Safe drinking water for drinking is the right of every individual and it is the basic necessity for life. In Maharashtra due to lack of proper water management it is very difficult for any individual to get and safe drinking water. Gramvikas Sanstha has implemented this programme which is run by the central government of India. The ground water level is also decreasing year by year to overcome from any such water shortage of adulterated water problem Gramvikas Sanstha is implementing this program in 45 villages of Aurangabad, Latur and Jalna district of Maharashtra. GramVikas Sanstha do the following activities under this programme it is like, construction of cement bands, ground water recharge program, B.B.T, rain water harvesting, digging of ponds in village to conserve water and as well as to increase the ground water level, convergence of all water conservation programme at the village level etc.